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How do I solve questions for chemistry and physics fast?

 The key to solving questions quickly is to get familiar with the basics of Organic Chemistry and Physics.

  • Getting your basics right:
  1. Read some Standard Books to get your basics cleared.
  2. I had found “Organic Chemistry” by L.G. Wade, a very good book. You can also look for “Organic Chemistry” by Solomon Fryhle. Flip through the pages of both of these books. See which suits you.
  3. You can use “Organic Chemistry” by Morrison Boyd for reference
  4. Maintain short notes for mechanisms, exceptions and name reactions.
  5. For Physics, you can go for “Concepts of Physics” by H.C. Verma OR “Physics” by Resnick, Halliday, Krane.
  • Solving as many problems as you can:
  1. I believe solving questions from books like “Advance Problems in Organic Chemistry” by M.S. Chauhan, will help you a lot.
  2. For Physics, solving books like I.E. Irodov and S.S. Krotov, can expand your thinking. So if time permits, solve these books.
  3. Solving the Previous Year Questions of the exam you are preparing for, will help you with respect to the type, kind and pattern of questions being asked in that particular exam. If you know the above, you can easily increase your speed.
  4. If you are not preparing for an exam and you have just a zeal for solving problems then try solving them mentally- Close your eyes-imagine the question-type of reaction-recall mechanisms-Solve it (This can be done in the case of preparing for an exam as well). The same process can be followed for Physics.
  5. Try meditation for concentration and focus.

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